Monday, 30 May 2022
The pilgrims spent the day exploring Kavala (ancient Neapolis). We started at St Nicholas Church with the striking monument telling the story of St Paul’s calling to Macedonia and his sea journey to Neapolis.
- Cheeky Chaplain, Robin, Faith and Edward at Kevala with the castle in the background
- Cheeky Chaplain views the depiction of St. Paul’s call to Macedonia.
Afterwards we visited the castle and the aqueduct.
- Of Roman origin, the present structure was built by the Ottomans in the 16th century.
- The pilgrims relax after the steep climb to the castle.
- A splendid view of Kavala from the castle tower.
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Today we visited ancient Philippi where apostle Paul and Silas were beaten with rods and imprisoned by the magistrates of the Roman colony. We inspected the so-called prison and Curia where the magistrates held court at one end of the forum. The site is extensive and in excellent condition and includes an impressive theatre together with the remains of three basilicas, bishops residence and octagon church.
- The Ancient Theatre of Philippi lies at the east end of the ancient city, against the fortification wall – near the modern entrance to the site
- Robin and Faith pause at the archway on their way to the Forum
- A general view of the Roman Forum at Philippi
- The remains of Basilica B viewed from the Forum
On leaving the ruined city we travelled the mile or so up the road to Saint Lydia’s baptistery where Paul had baptised Lydia – the first person in Europe to be baptised.
- The interior of St. Lydia’s Baptistry beside the River Gangites
We five pilgrims joined together in a short service where we reaffirmed our baptismal vows and sprinkled each other with the water from the river – A moving and spiritual experience for us all.
- Anna Reaffirms her Baptismal Vows on the banks of the River Gangites (Zigaktis)
- Edward Reaffirms his Baptismal Vows on the banks of the River Gangites (Zigaktis)
- Faith Reaffirms her Baptismal Vows on the banks of the River Gangites (Zigaktis)
- Robin Reaffirms his Baptismal Vows on the banks of the River Gangites (Zigaktis)
Wednesday, 1 June 2022
Our last full day in Kavala. The five pilgrims spent the morning walking the section of the Via Egnatia from the port of Neapolis towards Philippi as did Paul and Silas. We started at the junction of Macedonias Street and Egnatias Street and were soon climbing the well preserved and maintained Roman road which ends about 1 km further on near the Kavala General Hospital. We certainly felt that we were walking in the footsteps of Saint Paul.
- Cheeky Chaplain believes this road leads to the ancient Via Egnatia
- Faith, Robin and Cheeky Chaplain climb the ancient Via Egnatia
- Robin, Faith, Anna and Cheeky Chaplain pause for a rest on the Via Egnatia – very much in the footsteps of St. Paul!